Thursday, March 17, 2011

Random thoughts today

I am struggling a little today - having to work with a migraine hangover. At least the full blown migraine happened in the evening. This one was one of the worst ones I have had in about 15 years. I really didn't think I was going to keep my medication down - thank God I did.

I was thinking as I was driving around - sometimes I have pangs of jealousy. I know that isn't right, but we can't really help how we feel - only what we do with how we feel. In the midst of that feeling I had the most wonderful revelation. I should only focus on my life - it is my love story from God. Not all of it has been Godly, mind you, but all of it has led me down a path to get to where I am today. While my life doesn't look like what I dreamed of it looking like, it is actually so much better. My life is a story. It definitely isn't a fairy tale, but it has a fairy tale ending - of that I can be sure. In reality - who really wants a fairy tale - yes, I have to stop and ponder that for a minute and be sure that is really not what I want :). Really, in my heart of hearts it isn't. That isn't the way I am wired. Had I not gone through all of the things I have gone through, I wouldn't be nearly as compassionate and full of mercy. I love that I have a big heart, even though it has gotten beat up and broken more times than I care to recall. It is, indeed, much easier to say this at this point in my life. If you had asked me 20 years ago, I would have opted for the fairy tale. It is so crazy how much we change over the years and how much our perspective on life changes.

My life is full - fuller than I ever dared to imagine it could be. I know love like I never even knew I could. I am so in love with Jesus and with my husband and dog children and my children in heaven and whatever children on earth God has for us. I have had so many twists and turns in my life, but had I not had them, how would I even be able to have so much love to appreciate?

My story has been a long 40 years, but it has been an extremely interesting novel up to this point. I am looking forward to what each day holds - good, bad and indifferent - each days brings me closer to my love.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stop the bulldozer!

This has been one tough week! The crazy thing is that there is no explanation to why I feel this way - it is just how I feel. I was thinking to myself as I was driving today that it truly feels like I have gotten the crud beat out of me this week. I started praying about it, and suddenly I saw a vision of bulldozer right on my heels. I was running trying to stay ahead of it. Made me wonder why I'm running. I have been letting the details of life chase me and dictate my path. Thank God I realized that I don't have to do that. Feels good to slow down and release everything that was making me frantically hurry about life. Feels good to realize I am who I am and I can't please everyone. Feels good to realize that I am not who those I don't please say I am.

Here's to a relaxing Wednesday evening of being calm and grounded and letting the hurried things in life pass me by while I bask in the Beauty that surrounds me!