Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Tree: Genesis 3

I spent yesterday as well as this morning pondering on what 'My Tree' is in reference to Genesis 3. I think my biggest tree is steering clear of what others say about me and not getting involved when others are talking about someone else. It is so easy to get tangled in that nasty web. When you hear cruel things about yourself, it only leads to insecurity - it completely takes away your view of how God sees you. In the grand scheme of things that is the only thing that is important. When you hear others talking about someone else, it is best to find a kind thing to say about the person or avoid the topic all together - after all, it is these talks that hurt most when you are the subject of conversation.

Everyday I have to remind myself to stay focused on long as my focus is on Him, the cruel things of this world bounce right off of me. I hope that as I focus on Him others will see His light in me and be drawn to Him.

I had the revelation this morning that every single day is a new day in Christ. How refreshing is that? No matter how bad the previous day is we can wake up each morning with the joy of the Lord. We can wake up with a fresh start. Many praises to my Beloved!!

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