Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday reflections

I had a great weekend. I can't remember the last time I felt so well rested and relaxed on a Monday. I like that summer is winding down and a new season is beginning. I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time. I have had a great summer of reconnecting with very dear friends that I haven't seen in a long time.

I digress...this past weekend was the first weekend in a long time it seems that I wasn't traveling or running around like crazy. I actually took time to just veg on the couch and watch TV and managed to visit family as well as finish laundry and grocery shopping...oooh I forgot to mention the wonderful massage that I got on Saturday afternoon.

I got up at the crack of dawn this morning, so it was still dark when I left the house for work...was a very peaceful drive into midtown - not the normal hustle and bustle of Atlanta in rush hour. I was listening to The Fish on my ride and Steven Curtis Chapman was giving an interview. That definitely put things into perspective. He and his wife lost their little 5 year old daughter in a terrible accident sometime last year I believe. He sang a song in the studio that he had written to help him deal with his grief. I was completely in tears as my heart was breaking for him and his wife and children. I sat there and thought about how badly I want children yet there are other people that have children and lose them and experience things so much worse than what I've experienced. I've lost 2 children very early in pregnancy. I can't wrap my mind around what it must be like to lose a 5 year old daughter as she gets run over by a car in your driveway by your older child. It is scary to think that in an instant life is gone. I wonder what it is like for the person that dies - that little girl is in heaven with God where she knows no pain or sadness. She must be living a glorious life while down here on earth it is so hard to deal with the loss. I am very thankful that I have God in my life...otherwise, I don't know how I would survive all of the punches and blows that have come and will continue to come my way.

I hope that as my week continues I will continue to keep my eyes focused on the Prize!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Winding down the work week...

It's Friday evening - WooHoo!! This was a rough week. I'm overly ecstatic about having a very quiet weekend at home with my family.

It was above all else a day of laughter - thankful for my friends at work! The laughs were much needed after an emotional week.

Off to Barnes & Noble to find part two to the book I just read - Knit Two. Will be a rainy weekend - nothing like a good book to curl up with (along with my hubby and dog children).